Friday, May 09, 2008

McKenna officially loves her Letter Factory DVD. After about 5 times of watching it, she is now making the letter sounds after most of the letters. I'm really impressed with the DVD so far. It's very engaging, and except for the letter "L", the sounds are spot on.

I tried to start the mower today and it wouldn't start. My mother told me she forbids me to start it after hearing about my tries, so I'll let Noel know it's up to him to get it started. The lawn would go un-mowed for about 2 weeks or so if I didn't do it, and I hate having it look shaggy, so maybe I'll guilt him into helping me more!

I'll get my tomatoes planted tomorrow and I THINK I see my beans coming up. But they're a lot smaller than my regular bush beans, so I'm not sure. But I'm hopeful. McKenna and I tried to fly her kite again today, but there really wasn't enough wind. So no go there. Not much else going on. Feeling a bit dis-jointed in thought today.......... more to come later!

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