Thursday, March 08, 2007

Almost 70 degrees today! At least it felt like it! McKenna and I were out so much we got a touch of sun. I cleaned up her bike and lowered the seat, and put her on it and showed her how to use the pedals. I ended up pushing her most of the time, but occasionally she would try to pedal with her feet. I had her little helmet on and with her training wheels, we just went up and down the street. Went out again around 6pm and chatted with the neighbors. Sam had a unicycle that he let me try out and lets just say my attempt was quite laughable!! McKenna had fun with Chloe and we finally went back into the house right before Noel got home. Little miss kicked a huge fuss when we got inside as she was having fun and did NOT want to come in. LOL Poor kid.

Oh yeah, we had our first attempt at a nap today with the toddler bed. She laid in it for 20 minutes, part of the time reading, and then I was hearing thumps and bumps so I went up to check and she was looking out the door over the baby gate at me. I asked her to get back in bed and you would've thought I'd announced that I was leaving and abandoning her! Talk about some waterworks! I decided that I won't make it mandatory that she stay in her bed, but just that she stays in her room and has some quiet time. I think that will work out best, because I don't want to put her in her crib for naps and the bed for bedtime - that would be confusing for her.

McKenna and I baked some molasses cookies today and she helped put the sugar on top. They got a little too much, but hey it was a gals afternoon.

Nothing else new, except some juicy stuff that if I shared with you I'd surely hear about it! LOL

Everyone keep your fingers crossed for us in the baby-making department. We're still working diligently in that area!! :)

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