Saturday, July 03, 2010

Well, I'm huge. It's official!

I've gained 20 pounds in this pregnancy which is really good, considering it was 13 and 15 with McKenna and Madelaine. They think he'll be about 6 pounds when he's born. Despite having pain in the afternoon/evening in my pelvis/groin and having problems turning over in bed with same said pain, my pregnancy is going very well. I'm tired of peeing every 2 hours and I'm exhausted and snappy with the kids. However, once the baby is born and I have my bladder back and the pain gone, I'll be in a much happier state of affairs.

We're getting ready for our July 4th party tomorrow. I'm working on cleaning house today and will make a couple of sides tomorrow and then everyones bringing something to the party. Right now McKenna and Noel are out getting fireworks and Madelaine is sleeping. My neighbor just dropped off some baby boy clothes, which is awesome and also a little play mat thingy. I don't even know what they're called. Activity center?

Anyway, not much else to report. I'm starting to get a little freaked out thinking I'll be doing this birth away from a hospital with no pain meds, but I'm looking forward to the end result. Me not drugged up in pain with an episiotomy or c-section and the baby not drugged up, either. I believe my hypnosis will really help me out. I'll let everyone know how the hypnosis worked and will post my birth story as well. Still have to get our bags packed and am waiting on my new cloth diapers, covers, a sling and some leg extenders for a co-sleeper I bought off of craigslist. Everything should arrive before I go into labor, I hope!

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