Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm really depressed and fatigued today. Overwhelmed thinking about how I'm supposed to take care of three kids, educate them, keep the house picked up and make dinner every night. Laundry, etc... I'm going to try to get back into flylady and see if that helps. I'm keeping track of what I'm eating to see if that might have something to do with how fatigued I am. And it's not just post-baby - I've been like this for awhile. If it doesn't get better I'll probably see a doc and try to rule out dairy or gluten intolerance. Maybe it's something as simple as that! I can almost see why some moms would start taking stimulants to keep them going! Don't worry, I won't.

Eli's doing great. Keeps me up until 2 in the morning most nights and the other kiddos have me up by 8. Not terrible, but not great either. I'm trying to keep him more awake and alert during the day. We had an appointment yesterday at the Baby Place where I delivered and he's up 7 ounces from his birth weight. Pretty cool.

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