Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Well, two nights ago I was sitting on our sofa reading, and after about 15 minutes realized that I'd had quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions, so I started timing them. From start to start they were about 3 to 5 minutes apart lasting 45 to 60 seconds each. The doc had said to come in if I got more than 6 an hour for two hours, so when Noel got home (one hour later - and appx 25 contractions later) we went out for dinner, where I told him (after we ordered) that I was having contractions and we decided to just go to the hospital after we ate. (I knew if I was going into pre-term labor that I'd better get something on my stomach since I knew they wouldn't feed me at the hospital) So anyway, we got there and they hooked my up to the external fetal moniter and Noel and I watched my contractions. We noticed that they subsided considerably once we got to the hospital. I hope that's not a prelude of things to come! I mean, I hear so much about women that go into labor and get to the hospital and their contractions just peter out and then they go home and they start back up again. Anyway, they did give me a shot of terbutaline to stop the contractions I was still having (they did do an internal and found I wasn't dilated at all) which caused the shakes to come on. Wow, not something I'd like to have again. Anyway, we were there for 2 hours and then they let us go, so luckily no cause for concern. Well, that's the latest...

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