Saturday, September 13, 2008

We went to the park today. Brought our blanket and sat under some massive trees... McKenna played on the playground, and we also went to check out the ducks, which had mostly left since last time we were here. We saw one, though. Also saw some fish jumping for some bread that some kids were throwing for them. Then we took off our shoes and dipped our toes in the water. McKenna wanted the minnows to come up and nibble her toes, but I think her red nail polish was scaring them off! :) Then we headed back to daddy and the blanket. Real nice day.

We got back and I managed to get the place picked up a little. McKenna's taking a nap and the little one is making noises so I guess this won't be as long as I thought! Mom and dad have headed up to Stanley and they swapped an RV chair out for one of the others that they had given us. It's nice, though and will be easy to keep cleaned.

I'm tempted to try to make some more diaper covers from the pattern that mom left, but I'm too intimidated. I seem to only have the courage to attempt sewing when she's around! LOL Okay, gotta go... Madelaine wants some mommy time.

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