Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We're doing well here... Madelaine is getting to be a little chunk. She has a voracious appetite and I don't think I'll have a problem with lack of milk like I had with McKenna. She's a pretty agreeable kiddo and McKenna has been behaving herself and acting very loving towards her sister. We haven't had a hitting incident since I last posted.

I'm recovering pretty well from my delivery. Have to go back to see my doc in 4 weeks so he can make sure I'm healing up well, I guess. I'm able to do a lot more around the house now, so am relying on mom a lot less.

Mom has been helping me blanch vegetables from my garden. Mostly bush/pole beans and zucchini/yellow squash. We're not getting as many tomatoes as I had hoped, as they are gradually coming on. That may be because they are indeterminate, but I haven't been keeping up with the suckers either, so they could be overwhelming the plants. We're getting lots of cherry tomatoes, but I had to cut out some of those vines to give one of my other tomato plants some breathing space. Peppers are doing well... I have bell, anaheim, hot chili, jalapeno, and serranos. We have more peppers than tomatoes, so Noel is hoping we get more tomatoes so he can make salsa. He already made a small batch that I canned, which was my first canning effort. All of the jars sealed, so Yay for me!! :) I'd love to get more tomatoes, so I can try canning them as diced or as tomato sauce. We go through a lot of canned tomatoes in the winter. I may have to start chopping off blossoms on my squash plants or pull them off because they are producing like gang-busters and I can't seem to get ahead of them. Patty pan squash is doing pretty well, but my scarlet runner bean plant hasn't done anything except put out some pretty red flowers. I want to plant garlic this fall and try potatoes and onions next year.

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