Sunday, April 15, 2007

We went looking at yard sales yesterday. There was a community yardsale (over 10) in the subdivision next door to us. I went to a few, but Noel dropped us off because McKenna had spilled orange juice all down her front. (We were coming from Elmers) We ended up with a nice 3-tiered plant shelf for me, and Noel brought home a very nice area rug (6' by 9' I'm thinking) that we now have down in the living room. Got it for $30. bucks.

Today we're working on the garden. We brought in a bunch of compost and that's been dumped in the garden plot. Noel's going to rototill it into the soil and he also picked up some wood to edge the garden with so we can increase it's height. If the weathers nice he may get the rebar on the wood and get the border set up. Who knows how it'll work out. Okay, time to go - McKenna wants to paint or do a craft.

Oh, last night right before going up to bed she said, Bye Bye Diablo! Cute... but Diablo could've cared less!! :)

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