Sunday, September 18, 2005


McKenna is an adept crawler... she can easily go from crawling to sitting and back again. She is also pulling herself up on stuff, so I have to keep an eye on her and make sure she's using stable things. Mom has gotten her rolling over from back to tummy. She sings the "three bears in the bed" song and has gotten her rolling. Yesterday I went into her room to get her up after a nap and found her sitting up. This morning she was in the crawling position. So she can definitely get around. This morning as I was feeding her breakfast she scrunched up her face at me, so I did it back, and we ended up making faces at each other and laughing. She's a hoot! She's also transitioning to 1 nap a day. She's starting to cut out that morning nap. That's it that's new with her...

With me, I'm on a mission to cut our grocery budget by $50. a month, and so far it's been working well. This month is looking good. I'm cooking and baking a lot more from scratch, buying in bulk and trying to hit sales and use coupons, and I think it's really having an impact. (Well, I know it has) So with an extra $50. a month, I'm going to put it towards planting a garden next year, so we can buy less produce at the store, and I'll do some canning. My neighbors next door have two kids that they want to start piano lessons with me, so that will give us some added income as well... and that will probably go towards an eduction fund for McKenna. Another plus, Noel has found a car pool partner, and that will save us about $30. a month. Gas is about $2.95 up here. I've noticed that it's dropped from $2.99 in the past couple of days, and I'm crossing my fingers that it will continue it's downward trend.

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